Vaginismus and vaginal cramps: Symptoms and treatment

In this guide, often also referred to as vaginismus, I would like to provide information about the causes, diagnosis, background and types of treatment for this so-called "functional disorder". I would like to introduce the new FMS dilators, whose function and application are based on my experience as a midwife and therapist, to affected women who are less interested in information and more interested in an optimal product to treat their physical symptoms. As a certified medical product, their effectiveness has been proven. The many positive ratings and reviews confirm their success.

Table of contents:

Causes and symptoms of vaginismus/vaginismus

Vaginismus / vaginal cramps are forms of dyspareunia, which is the medical term for cramp-like pain in the vaginal area. They are not medically referred to as a "disease", but as "functional disorders". Women experience extreme effects on their quality of life as a result of these complaints: because it is impossible to insert anything into the genital area without pain, even everyday things become major issues, such as an examination by a gynecologist and, of course, sexual intercourse. This is why male partners often also suffer from this problem.

The extreme constriction of the vagina is the result of a sudden, very strong tension, often of the entire pelvic floor. This means that any insertion of objects is associated with severe pain or is impossible, even if the affected person wants to do so. They are usually unable to influence the reflex-like muscle spasm themselves. The symptoms can also occur spontaneously, i.e. without a recognizable trigger.

Vaginismus only occurs occasionally, whereas vaginismus causes chronic discomfort, not just during sex, and is more often referred to as a disease. In both cases, the symptoms are not necessarily triggered by intimacy or sexual stimuli, but can also occur in everyday life and create a vicious circle of anxiety, cramping and pain. This is because the cramps that women suffer from are involuntary and cannot be controlled. A woman's fear of vaginal cramps alone can trigger them, e.g. when the penis is inserted into the woman's vagina during sex. It is therefore urgently necessary to remove the taboos surrounding this disease or dysfunction. Once a diagnosis has been made, comprehensive treatment should be given, which must include psychological and sexual aspects as well as physical ones.

Primary and secondary vaginismus

A distinction is made between "primary" and "secondary" vaginismus / vaginismus. Primary vaginismus is usually due to physical causes: For example, some women have very firm mucous membrane rims just behind the vaginal entrance (formerly: hymen), which the partner cannot penetrate through penetration. In addition, those affected can also suffer from malformations, e.g. a vagina narrowed by a vaginal septum (separating wall), which prevents penetration. Infections, hormonal causes or dysfunctions of the pelvic floor muscles are also classic physical triggers, and not just during sexual contact.

Secondary vaginismus usually has psychological causes such as a traumatic sexual experience, a negative birth experience or an upbringing in which sexuality was devalued or negated. This leads to reflex contractions (cramps) of the front part of the vagina, particularly during attempts at sexual intercourse, which make sexual penetration (penetration of the penis) impossible. Vaginal cramps can also occur when inserting a tampon or during a gynecological examination.

Diagnose von Vaginismus und Scheidenkrampf

Determining the diagnosis of vaginismus

When examined by a doctor, a diagnosis of vaginismus/vaginismus or dyspareunia or vulvodynia (extremely sensitive labia/vulva) is based first of all on the woman's description of the problem and her medical and sexual history, including childhood and adolescence. Next, the doctor should be able to rule out the possibility that purely physical malformation(s) in the vaginal area are causing the pain during penetration. However, there is great fear of this vaginal examination in particular, as the examination is hardly bearable for the patient, if at all. Unfortunately, affected women often experience too little understanding and should look for a gynecologist experienced in the problem.

One way to reduce the fear of "penetration" during the examination is for the patient to retain as much control as possible, for example by sitting upright in front of a mirror and closely monitoring and controlling the entire procedure. She also spreads her labia herself and carefully inserts her own finger or the doctor's finger with a glove and lubricant into her vaginal entrance. Sometimes it is easier if the woman pushes (not presses) a little out of her lower body, as she does for a bowel movement. In order to cause as little pain as possible, the doctor should describe in detail beforehand what he/she intends to do, carry out slow and careful movements and describe these precisely during the procedure. It is also advisable to ask the patient about her current state of health and tolerance. The reaction of the vagina to the insertion can ultimately confirm the suspected diagnosis of vaginismus / vaginismus or vulvodynia.

If you do not feel that you are in good hands with your doctor, do not be afraid to say so and change doctors before an examination. This means that the first appointment should only ever be advisory and you should discuss important issues and problems in detail so that you can take your time to check whether you are in the right place.

You can take glass dilators of a suitable size with you as an effective aid for preparing for gynecological examinations. By gently pre-stretching them, they also facilitate everyday applications such as the insertion of tampons or the application of ointments, e.g. for vaginal flora diseases or lichen sclerosus (chronic inflammatory skin disease of the vulva). FMS dilators are also more suitable for this purpose than silicone dilators due to their faster application, easier cleaning and optimum hygiene.


Therapy and treatment of symptoms

For women affected by vaginismus, it is challenging to come out with all the symptoms and fears, to come out and seek help. There is a lot of shame, generally in the area of sexuality and even more so when this seemingly rare so-called "functional disorder" in the pelvic floor occurs, which often makes sexual intercourse and therefore partnership impossible. Intensive counseling is very important here in particular, also with regard to sexuality with intercourse. This aspect is usually even more important for affected women with a partner.

Therapy for vaginismus generally consists of various components. First of all, it is crucial to find a competent and experienced therapist. Especially in the area of sexuality, experience and empathy are crucial for successful treatment. The following steps are taken:

The first step is to check for physical causes (see Determining the diagnosis). If there are findings here, appropriate therapy can be initiated. If no physical cause is found, the focus must be on the psyche. If you decide to undergo (additional) psychotherapy treatment, you should carefully consider which of the various methods you choose. Exercises for relaxation and self-awareness, e.g. feeling into the affected areas of the body, becoming aware of the intimate area, the individual genitals, especially the vulva and vagina, as well as the entire abdomen, also help. This also includes feeling with your own hands, touching the genital area and experiencing erotic stimulation in a positive way. Everything should be done carefully at your own pace, without fear or pressure from outside and without your own inner demands.

Problems for partners / couples

The symptoms of vaginismus, vaginismus, dyspareunia or vulvodynia are extremely stressful for any form of partnership. Male partners often experience situational erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction). Sexual acts, especially sexual intercourse through penetration, are impossible or unsatisfactory because the penetration of the penis causes pain. Movements in the vagina during sexual intercourse are virtually impossible. Open, honest communication within the couple helps. As a certified, experienced couples therapist, I can also help you in this case before your love suffers or even breaks down.

Erotic treatment by partner

FMS dilators can also be used by a partner during sex or as part of an erotic game because their special properties allow a very gentle approach to simulate penetration.

Frequency of vaginismus / vaginismus

Due to the high number of unreported cases, there are no reliable figures on the frequency of vaginismus, vaginismus or dyspareunia. There are figures of 4 to 42% (partially) affected people with occasional complaints. Even if the actual percentage is somewhere in the middle, around 20% of all women have at least temporary problems with vaginismus or pain during sex. So you are by no means alone.

Self-help groups

For support and to find out more about vaginismus / vaginismus, it is good to talk to other sufferers, preferably in a support group. But be careful: there are some websites on the internet where a supposedly private person describes their "experiences" as a "sufferer" and whose recommendations ultimately all point to a single product or a single manufacturer. Simply try to make contact by telephone using the details given in the legal notice, so you can find out whether this person really exists or whether it is just a manufacturer's advertising platform disguised as a private one. Of course, it would be ideal to find a real group in your area, but unfortunately this is not possible everywhere.

Effective help with FMS dilators

FMS-Dilatoren gegen Scheidenkrampf

With 27 sizes from 14 mm diameter and many dilator sets, FMS dilators are the world's most comprehensive range for use in vaginismus / vaginismus, pain during sex and many other functional disorders in the vaginal or rectal area.

"FMS" means flexibility and massage system

This name already says a lot about the new approach: The effect is based less on stretching and more on a gentle flexibilization of the cramp by moving the dilators.

New shape, new material

As you can see in the picture, FMS dilators are not conically shaped like conventional items. The streamlined head glides smoothly into the body during insertion and the straight, slim shaft prevents compression of the tissue, allowing it to "flow" in both directions. And glass dilators made of borosilicate glass are the most slippery of all - so it doesn't get any smoother than this.

Unterschiede bei der Wirkung von Dilatoren

Certified medical device

FMS dilators are certified as medical devices. Their safety of use is therefore guaranteed and their effectiveness clinically proven.


Cooling or heating element

You can even prepare them as a cooling or heating element: Heat is ideal for vaginismus / vaginismus because it relaxes the vaginal muscles.

Hera Schulte Westenberg
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