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As a midwife, I have a lot of experience with hemorrhoids after childbirth and pregnancy (also: through childbirth) and in the postpartum period. Any woman can be affected by hemorrhoids, but pregnancy and childbirth are particular risk factors. In this guide, I will give you tips on how best to avoid hemorrhoids. And if you are affected, what can help and why medical love balls or medical glass dilators are ideal for quick treatment. Because a woman's body and mind are preoccupied with the baby and the (new) family after giving birth, discomfort is particularly troublesome during this phase of life.
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During pregnancy, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, many changes take place in a woman's body that promote the development of hemorrhoids:
The pregnancy hormones cause a loosening and increased softness of the tissue, which affects the muscles, skin, cartilage and blood vessels. The most striking changes, however, are in the vascular system: the blood volume increases by around 40%, while at the same time the vessels dilate and lose their elasticity. This means that the veins, especially those in the lower half of the body, can no longer transport blood up to the heart as easily and quickly. The venous valves may no longer close completely, causing the blood to pool in the legs. You can counteract these complaints with moderate exercise. In later pregnancy, the veins in the legs and pelvic area are compressed by the weight of the baby and the uterus and the return flow of blood is impeded. This is why pregnant women tend to develop oedema (water retention) and varices (varicose veins). Hemorrhoids are also a form of varicose veins.
The frequently occurring internal hemorrhoids after childbirth (usually grade 1 to grade 2) do not have to cause any symptoms at first and can disappear on their own. The development of haemorrhoids during pregnancy and the postpartum period is also promoted by the hormone-induced reduction in peristalsis (bowel activity) with simultaneous increased fluid absorption in this area. Exercise or even sport is largely absent in the last weeks of pregnancy, so constipation is inevitable. Iron supplementation, which is often prescribed for pregnant women, makes the stool firmer, which also promotes constipation. Constipation, in turn, causes you to push hard during bowel movements. This can lead to the formation of external hemorrhoids (usually grade 2 to grade 4), which must be treated, see picture:
Even if haemorrhoids have not yet developed during pregnancy, they can also be caused by the birth itself. Unfortunately, the midwife or doctor usually positions the woman giving birth on her back and asks her to push. It is now a medical fact that both are completely unphysiological and significantly promote the formation of hemorrhoids during childbirth. It would be much better and above all gentler for mother and child if the midwife instructed the baby to "push" out. This makes expulsion easier and significantly reduces the risk of hemorrhoids developing during birth. I teach this technique in my antenatal classes and you can learn it in an individual consultation. Please contact me for more information.
Hemorrhoids in the postpartum period often also have an aggravating effect within the family. In addition to the joy of having a baby and a new family, the early postpartum period (the first ten days after the birth) is often characterized by pain caused by involution and healing: the pelvic floor has been very stressed by the birth and may have suffered injuries. The circulation can be unstable, because the loss of blood and the production of milk means that there is less water or fluid volume in the body, especially if you are replacing iron, so it is good and important to drink plenty of fluids and - also for the whole family - to ensure good and proper nutrition.
This is because constipation, harder stools and the fear of pain when going to the toilet, especially after a perineal tear or episiotomy during childbirth, can be the cause of stool retention. All of this further promotes the existence or development of haemorrhoidal disorders of varying degrees in the postpartum period.
Various symptoms make it easy to recognize what it is even without a doctor. If in doubt, ask a doctor:
Hemorrhoids are thickenings, swellings or bulges in the anus that feel like foreign bodies and often cause small, harmless bleeding. Hemorrhoids therefore do not have to be painful (at first). The difficulty in cleaning the anus after a bowel movement usually causes itching and/or a burning sensation and inflammation can develop.
Sagging, skin-colored protrusions are usually harmless mariscus. Mariscus can only be reduced by regular massage, which is why our FMS dilators are ideal.
Women can counteract the physiological factors that promote the formation of hemorrhoids after pregnancy and childbirth with various sensible and helpful behaviors. The following tips alleviate the symptoms and are also good for the baby and the health of the whole family during breastfeeding and the postpartum period.
Proper nutrition:
Correct behavior during bowel movements: not only for constipation:
Proper cleaning of the anus:
There are also a number of home remedies for hemorrhoids after childbirth and pregnancy, even without a doctor: First of all, ointments containing witch hazel (witch hazel) are suitable. There are also suppositories, which are usually made using natural remedies. If the haemorrhoid is swollen and inflamed, cooling is particularly important, for example with curd cheese or decongestant nasal spray. Cool sitz baths with oak bark or sea salt are also recommended.
All these measures alleviate the usual symptoms such as itching and bleeding. Smaller grade 1 or 2 haemorrhoids often retract into the rectum themselves some time after pregnancy or childbirth. Grade 3 hemorrhoids, however, must be actively repositioned. Repositioning is the pushing or pushing back of the hemorrhoid into the hemorrhoidal seam in the rectum from where it has emerged. It may be possible to do this with a finger. It is easier with the right aids:
Based on my experience as a midwife and therapist, we at Theros have developed our own aids that meet the very highest standards. They are certified as medical products and therefore meet the requirements for proof of effectiveness and safety of use.
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