Hardening in the vaginal entrance - is natural birth possible?

Question from Jana B: Thank you very much for your quick, informative and encouraging response to my questions! Your answers have given me even more encouragement to tackle the treatment of my pain in the vaginal opening. The description that there is no hardening there, but perhaps tension, is more in line with my feeling. With your finger you can feel something like a ring of tissue or skin that is soft, but is "pulled along" when it is inserted and removed and hurts (and when massaged). By the way, I am 31 years old and my desire to have children with my partner is growing. I really hope that with consistent exercises it will be possible to realize this wish within the next 1-2 years - maybe even a natural birth. From your point of view as a midwife, is this conceivable or a realistic goal?

Answer: I think that becoming pregnant and giving birth naturally, i.e. vaginally, is absolutely realistic! Especially since the tissue and your perception will behave completely differently under the prevailing hormones.
The question about estrogen cream is difficult to answer, you actually seem too young for it. These creams do not contain high doses, but the hormonal system as a whole is a very fragile and sensitive structure, so interventions should be considered very carefully. Before doing this, you should have your hormone status analyzed. You would most likely have to see a naturopath for this. Gynecologists usually either do not do it at all or only do it based on the blood count - but in my experience, the saliva test is more informative. There are also nature-identical hormone preparations and homeopathically potentiated ones. 
Believe in yourself and your dream - and don't listen ONLY to conventional medicine, it only focuses on a very limited area and promotes standardized, quick (and more economical!) "solutions" such as Caesarean sections. Don't let yourself be unsettled!

Hera Schulte Westenberg
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