How long can I wear Viball at the beginning?

Question from Franzi J: I'm using the love ball for the first time and would like to know how long it takes to use it the first time. I haven't found anything about it anywhere: How many minutes or hours at most can I wear the love ball the first time I use it? Once I've had some practice (long-term use), how many minutes or hours at most can I use the love ball?
Answer: We generally do not provide such standardized information because people are different and therefore we cannot give precise information about "which size is the right one for me". Also because the application cannot have any immediate harmful effects, it is pointless to tar all users (aged from/to - births yes/no - sexually active yes/no - athletic yes/no etc. etc.) with the same brush with general information. This may be common with medication - and in some cases information for women is even dangerous because it has been proven (!) to be more tailored to male test subjects. We promote personal responsibility. Feel inside yourself! Nothing can "happen": If Viball becomes too heavy, the tone on the muscles too intense, you will feel it, Viball is not meant to be unpleasant, on the contrary: to create a sense of well-being. But even if you overdo it for a short time, there will be no harm, apart from a kind of "muscle soreness". Feel what your body is telling you and trust yourself, then you are doing everything right.


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