Which Viball size after hysterectomy?

Question from Iris K: I have a question regarding a problem using Viball after a total laparoscopic hysterectomy / removal of an endometrial CA. After this operation took place half a year ago and I received medical clearance, I wanted to use the Viball 40mm love ball to stabilize my pelvic floor again and do some additional training.
The problem is that this size does not stay in the vagina (I tried it with the condom provided) but simply slips out again as soon as it is inserted because it is too heavy. I also tried lying on my back and had the same problem. Is it possible to return this ball or exchange it for the smaller and lighter 36 mm one?

Answer: Items can only be returned if the hygiene seal is intact. Otherwise, they are considered used and are excluded from the right of return. This is a legal requirement for medical products, so unfortunately that is not possible. But each Viball has several possible uses, and the 36 mm one can also be used in many different ways.
As for the actual problem: The weight is definitely not the problem here, 40 mm is obviously much too small! A smaller ball (VB36) cannot solve the problem, of course. What made you choose the 40 mm size? Here are our tips on how to determine the right size: https://theros.de/pages/faq-viball
So try out which size you need, in my experience it will probably be a VB50 - and then choose a light version with less weight if you want to use a Viball straight away for long-term use in everyday life, i.e. in an upright position. Because with the large balls the weight naturally increases, which is why we have the light versions for very weak pelvic floor muscles from size 50 onwards.
You can also use a normal (heavier) Viball, but you should initially only do building pelvic floor exercises with Viball in horizontal positions for a few weeks.
An additional option would be a massive ball , but because of their very high weight, these are ONLY intended for weight training or stimulation in horizontal positions.

Hera Schulte Westenberg
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